Missions Education for Children
Kids have a natural curiosity about other cultures. That makes missions education for children easy. The difficulty is finding good information on cultures and countries that may not be as familiar to you. Kids need variety and sitting down with a puzzle or a coloring page doesn't meet the needs of the various learning styles of children. Below are several ideas to help you put together a quality program to teach your children about missions.

Use the following modules to build your own missions program.
- Have the kids play games from the featured country.
- Make foods from the country for the kids to eat.
- Let the kids make crafts from that country or a craft to remind them of the country or missionaries.
- Provide a map activity to help the kids learn where the country is located.
- Demonstrate how kids in the country dress if it's different from your country. Even better, let some of the kids dress up as "models" to show the others.
- Kids are used to watching a lot of TV. Find some videos or make a power point presentation to show the kids what the country looks like. Youtube is a good source of generic videos. Use caution and preview first as there is also a lot of "junk" on the internet too.
- If possible, have someone who has visited the country come and share their experiences. The best thing is to have a missionary come and talk to the children if that's possible. Encourage him to bring objects to show the kids.

Of course, it takes time to put together a well thought out program to teach missions to kids. Many teachers lack the time to look for all of the elements that make the lessons fun as well as educational. As we develop lessons for the kids at our local church, we'll be adding them to this website. Stop back often, or sign up for our RSS feed to find out which countries are available.
Missions Modules
The following modules are available for use free of charge. Each one features 4 lessons with stories, craft ideas, games and other suggestions for a quality missions education program. Mongolia
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